Saturday, February 14, 2009

Can you help me identify my loose viola strings?

The following string identification chart is for viola players! Now you too can iID those loose strings!

Viola String Identifier

List of Strings Identified in the following chart (in soft, medium and strong):
Corelli Alliance
Corelli Crystal
Kaplan Golden Spiral Solo
D’Addario Helicore
D’Addario Pro-Arte
D’Addario Zyex
Pirastro Aricore
Pirastro Chorda
Pirastro Chromcor
Pirastro Chromcor Plus
Pirastro Eudoxa
Pirastro Eudoxa-Oliv
Pirastro Eudoxa-Aricore
Evah Pirazzi
Pirastro Flexicor
Pirastro Gold
Pirastro Obliato
Pirastro Oliv
Pirastro Piranito
Pirastro Permanent
Pirastro Synoxa
Pirastro Tonica
Prim Synthetic Core
Thomastik Dominant
Thomastik Precision
Thomastik Spiracore
Thomastik Superflexible
Jargar Silver Sound

viola string ID
Viola String ID identification
viola idetify strings

viola string identity chart