Thursday, February 12, 2009

I have a collection of loose violin strings. How can I identify them?

Oh no, a loose string collection! I have to admit I have one too. I’ve included several means of identifying your strings (pictures and charts) that include some of the most common strings. Hopefully, this string identification information will be of some help to you.

If you are unable to identify your strings even after using this chart, you can use our new service for identifying strings.


Pasted GraphicCorelli Crystal heavyCorelli Alliance Vivace MediumDAddario Helicore MediumDAddario Pro Arte MediumDAddario Pro Arte HeavyDAddario Zyem MediumLarsen MediumPrastro Eudoxa Medium with Oliv Gold EPirastro Evah Pirazzi mediumPirastro Gold HeavyPirastro Obligato MediumPirastro Tonica MediumPrim MediumPrim HeavyDominant medium with Kaplan Heavy EThomastik Infeld Red MediumThomastik Superflexible MediumThomastik Vision Medium

Violin String Color Codes
Violin String Color Code

Violin String Color Chart
Violin String Color Coding

Very complete string identifier chart
violin string identity chart

The strings identified in these photos, tables, and charts (in three gauges, light, medium, and heavy) are as follows:
Corelli Crystal
Corelli Alliance
Corelli Alliance Vivace
D’Addario Helicore
D’Addario Pro Arte
D’Addario Zyex
Pirastro Eudoxa
Pirastro Evah Pirazzi
Pirastro Gold
Pirastro Obligato
Pirastro Tonica
Pirastro Oliv
Pirastro Eudoxa-Oliv
Thomastik Dominant
Thomastik Infeld Red
Thomastik Superflexible
Thomastik Vision
D’Addario Helicore
D’Addario Prelude
D’Addario ProArte
D’Addario Quantum
Pirastro Black Label
Pirastro chorda
Pirstrao Obligato
Pirastro Synoxa
Pirastro Aricore
Pirastro Eudoxa Aricore
Pirastro Flexocor
Pirastro Chromcor
Pirastro Piranito
Pirastro Tonica
Pirastro Permanent